• JavaSript, Node.js, Express.js, React, MonogDB, Mongoose

  • A Social Media clone build on MERN STACK . This platform boasts a secure authentication system with JWT tokens managed through React Redux on the forntend. The application incorporates dynamic picture uploads facilitated by Multer on both the registration and home pages. Users can share their experiencesthrogh posts and appreciate through likes, and foster connection by befriending and unfriending others. Elevating the user experience further, a sleek dark/light mode feature has been seamlessly integrated


  • Golang, Websocket, Linux

  • Introducing SeekNet, a unique chat application designed for the command-line interface(CLI), eliminating the need a browser interface. SeekNet serves as an experimental playground for the testing the features provided by websockets, offering a hands-on exploration of their integration in Golang. the project aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies surrounding websockets in a terminal environment.


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